Saturday, September 12, 2015

Live Response: Snow White

Inspired by Professor Andres' suggestion to write a live response to a movie for our blog, I've decided to live blog my viewing of Snow White. Because I'll be watching Snow White on Cornel 1801, I'll split up my blog into twelve individual responses that correlate to the twelve movie clips that take place in the movie. So without further ado...

Clip 1: "Once upon a time there lived a lovely little princess..."

Wow, it's crazy how much different animation was back in 1937. Everything about this just looks so old fashioned; even the wicked Queen's voice just sounds old-timey to me. Anyways, the Queen is talking to the Magic Mirror and all I can think about is the Magic Mirror talking to Lord Farquaad from Shrek. Now Snow White has entered and is singing until the Ken-doll looking Prince enters on his horse to serenade Snow White. Of course, Snow White runs away because that's what any girl would naturally do if a prince came out from nowhere and starts singing to you.

Clip 2: "With a Smile and a Song"

And we're back to a scene between the wicked Queen and the Huntsman where the Queen wants the Huntsman to kill Snow White and bring back her heart, a fairly grotesque plot detail from this movie that I totally forgot about. For whatever reason Snow White is now frolicking on the outskirts of the woods while picking flowers and talking to birds because that's apparently what most teenage girls do with their free time. Okay so now the Huntsman is about to kill her but he randomly changes his mind for whatever reason which motivates Snow White to run away and is flipping out in the middle of the woods and being excessively dramatic. It's already become fairly apparent how weak and fragile Snow White is depicted in this movie. 

Because spinning in place is the best way to run away from danger

Clip 3: "It's Adorable,  Just like a Doll's House"

After spinning in place for however long it was, Snow White literally just collapsed from helplessness. I know this movie is outdated in terms of the way women are perceived but this is honestly ridiculous. It is now revealed that Snow White wasn't in an ominous and dangerous part of the woods but rather a bright and sunny clearing with a bunch of cute forest animals that she can unexplainably talk to. 

Clip 4: "Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's off to work we go"

This clip introduces the seven dwarves in the mine finishing up work. Dopey is by far favorite dwarf because he's just by far the most entertaining of the bunch. Meanwhile, Snow White decides to spruce up the Dwarves' house with the help of her forest animal squad. This may just be me, but it really bothers me that everything about Snow White is just so perfect. She reminds me of that one person in High School who was perfect at everything that he or she did and instead of being humble about it they would waltz around being perfect just for the hell of it. But back to the film that I'm supposed to be watching....

Clip 5: "Something's Cooking Smells Good"

Once the dwarves come back to the cottage, Snow White is already asleep in their bed in a very Goldilocks-esque manner. The dwarves are all on edge about someone being in their home which makes no sense because they left their front door open... so what did they expect?

Clip 6:  "A Girl Mighty Pretty"

Following a semi drawn-out scene of the dwarves creeping into their bedroom, they discover a sleeping Snow White and don't seem shocked or nervous whatsoever which I find somewhat outrageous, but I'll let it slide. Snow White also just nailed all of the seven dwarves' names on her first try which is underratedly impressive. After deciding to eat some of the soup that Snow White had made, Snow White's passive agressiveness is unleashed in full force on the dwarves for not washing their hands.

Clip 7: "March Straight Outside and Wash"

Pretty much this entire scene is just the dwarves washing their hands in an entertaining manner. And that's all I have to say about that. 

Clip 8: "Heart of a Pig"

Oh wicked Queen, you fell for the oldest trick in the book. Thinking a pig's heart was an actual human heart, classic. And now you're randomly a mad scientist that is able to create a magic potion with a bunch of arbitrary objects like mummy dust that transform her into a legitimately creepy old witch. And now she's gonna use an apple to murder Snow White which I always thought was a weird way to kill someone but that's none of my business I guess.

Clip 9: "Bless the Seven Little Men"

Honestly this clip of the film adds very little to the progression of the actual story since its mainly just a dance party at the dwarves' cottage but whatever I thoroughly enjoyed it.

After the dance party everyone just falls asleep and Dopey is still dope(y).

Clip 10: "Can be Revived Only by Love's First Kiss"

This scene is just straight up creepy when the Queen/old hag is rowing on her little boat at nighttime in the mist. Of course all of the dwarves just happen to be leaving at the same time, so it's clear that Snow White is kinda screwed...

Clip 11: "It's a Magic Wishing Apple"

In the midst of baking a pie for Grumpy, the old hag arrives at the cottage. Obviously Snow White isn't suspicious of anything because Disney wanted to make it clear just how helpless and dependent on others she truly was. You know it's bad when the freaking forest animals have enough common sense to realize that a creepy old witch that wants to give away an apple probably shouldn't be trusted. I still feel bad that Snow White actually ate it but I mean come on. 

Clip 12: "Find Our Love Anew"

In an epic final scene, the dwarves track and chase down the queen/witch after Snow White has died. I'm honestly impressed with how Disney made the death of the old hag so intense, even if in the end it was just a convenient strike of lightning that resulted in her death. Wow I haven't seen this movie in awhile but it's way more depressing than I remember, Snow White's funeral is legitimately saddening. But I was only sad for like sixty seconds because prince charming just came to the rescue for the trademark kiss that brought Snow White back from the dead. Woooo now they're gonna get married and be happy ever after despite only having met each other once and never even holding a meaningful conversation. What if they like the same kind of cereal or something? That's just asking for future arguments. But yeah since this is Disney I guess they can live happily ever after and all that. 

Overall,  I really did enjoy this rewatching Snow White, and I hope you liked my live reaction of the movie! I know I did.

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