Monday, November 2, 2015

Disney and Halloween: Like Peas and Carrots

In honor of Halloween this past weekend, I think a belated Halloween-themed post is in order. I have to preface this post with the statement that Halloween is by and far away my favorite holiday of the year. While Christmas, Easter and Hanukkah get all the glory, Halloween is 100% what you make of it. One person can spend 1 week planning on a costume, while someone else can spend an entire year working on their masterpiece costume and I think that the openness of this is truly unique. The pervasiveness of Disney is never more obvious than over Halloween, where everyone and their mother wants to dress up as Carl and Russell or Elsa and Olaf or Timon and Pumba and roam the streets as their favorite animated characters. In the case of the picture seen above, some members of my family decided to dress up as the protagonists from Disney Pixar's Inside Out. While I'm sure many other families decided to do the same thing, I thought that this was hilarious because of how accurately each one of the individuals in the picture is summed up by the emotions that they're dressed up as, especially little Connor (Anger) and Zoe (disgust). While Disney gets a lot of flak for the messages that they may or may not send, it's impossible to deny Disney's ability to bring people of different backgrounds and personalities together in a totally awesome way.With many new Halloween experiences this year having been away from home and at Duke, I really appreciated this photo of my family that shows that the Cherches' strong Halloween roots have continued with little Connor and Zoe's generation, and I couldn't be more excited about it.

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